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COBCast - The Church of the Brethren Podcast

Dec 15, 2022

Duane Grady reads "A Special Christmas Eve" from the December issue of Messenger. Kara Miller plays "In the bleak midwinter" and Nancy Miner plays "Let all mortal flesh keep silent" and "There's a song in the air." 

Apr 12, 2022

"Some of the disciples went to the tomb to see for themselves. They just couldn’t comprehend what the women were telling them. "Why didn’t they believe them? Why didn’t they have faith?

"Why don’t we? Do we continue to stare into an empty tomb?"

Traci Rabenstein reads her article "Are we still at...

Apr 7, 2022

A large kitchen table was the place they were unconditionally loved. Paul Grout tells the story in "A place for you at the table." Violin by Jan Fischer Bachman.

Mar 3, 2022

Theopoet Brian Nixon reads nine of his poems, accompanied by original music. 

Jan 4, 2022

From our foundation, the essence of the Church of the Brethren is the willingness of women and men to study scripture together until we reach consensus, regardless of how long that takes. Sometimes it takes decades, but we can afford to be patient. We love Jesus. We love the Word.