Dec 13, 2021
Anna Lisa Gross and Nancy Faus read an excerpt from Angela Finet's Advent devotional, "Do Not Be Afraid" and ponder waiting. Piano recording by Lucas Finet.
Oct 7, 2021
Randal Westfall describes how the long, hot days of summer give way to the cool, crisp air where night and darkness are lengthening, when both night and day are equally balanced. Autumn is about slowing into contemplative aspects of life. If we are attentive to God’s Holy Spirit, then we recognize...
Jun 15, 2021
A lot of emotion is being released as pandemic restrictions are
phased out. How many rituals have we missed? How many formal
occasions, how many worship experiences? How many losses are not
yet grieved? How many joys have not been celebrated? How many
blessings have gone unspoken or unheard during our pandemic year?
Mar 1, 2021
A poem about the poet's experience of a new way of
communicating with family during the pandemic.
"The experience of this new thing is for me profoundly spiritual—a foretaste of heaven which, I now see, can be had while we are still in this life, involving interaction both with those who have died and with those who...